Where Arts and Imagination Fuel the Mind
Our mission is to empower, engage, and educate individuals, care partners, and families living with dementia or other brain health issues to live a more fulfilling life through the arts, social interaction and community outreach.“Isolation is a large contributing factor to increasing the pain and difficulty of having dementia. Our programs are designed to decrease isolation and increase socialization with community support.”
– Dr. Charlie Farrell
What We Do
We welcome you to the Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain Health. Below is a video which will give you an overview of our Center for Artful Living and many of it’s enrichment and wellness programs for individuals impacted by dementia/Alzheimer’s and other cognitive health issues.

SHARE for Dementia is an evidence-based care-planning program that empowers adults with early-stage dementia and their families to get the most out of today while planning for tomorrow. Below is a video that will introduce you to the SHARE program. The Farrell Foundation provides this program at no cost to the community through the collaboration with Benjamin Rose.
For further information:
Contact the Farrell Foundation
Phone: 440-414-0434
Email: info@farrellfoundation.com
About Us
The Farrell Family
The Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain Health was established in 2011 when the Farrell Family saw a need in the community. In caring for Carol, wife and mother, we found that there are few activity based programs for people living at home with dementia/Alzheimer’s. We wanted to bring programming to the community in order to help support people’s treatment plan and management of their illness. Our programs are largely arts based and focus on multi-sensory elements. The human senses centered in the brain preserve abilities well into the disease process.
It is often assumed that people with dementia can not participate in daily life activities anymore, and that is not true. When we create activities that are accessible, individuals thrive and find joy in the experience. People with dementia can create, imagine, and have fun.
Most importantly, isolation is a large contributing factor to increasing the pain and difficulty of having dementia. Our programs are designed to decrease isolation and increase socialization with community support.

Sue & Dan O’Neil – Participant Spotlight
By Sue O’Neil
The Farrell Foundation’s Center for Artful Living brings an abundance of joy to everything they do. Our family, my husband of 55 years, Dan, our daughter Lauren and our daughter Julie, and their spouses Tony and Scott attended the Gala making this a true family affair. We first found the Farrell Foundation in October of 2022 when we attended a six week informational session for those diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment and their partners. Our two daughters also attended some of these sessions. This group was led by very knowledgeable folks in the field of dementia. We continue to meet monthly both for support and to further educate ourselves. What the Farrell Foundation means to me is a place to go where people understand, where they smile and look for the humor in what can be a very troubling situation. The staff and all of the volunteers are so warm and welcoming. This is a place of safety, of respite, of sharing, and of caring. It helps to relieve the isolation that this disease can cause. It is a place where you can ask for help, it offers the gift of understanding! We love to attend the varied programs offered: art, (and the artists who help us are truly gifted),music (from classical to blue grass), dancing, singing, storytelling, drama, exercise and the oh so important social interaction. There is so much support with the terrific and loving staff and volunteers. And I can’t forget the food…such great desserts…one of Dan’s favorite parts! One of the many knowledgeable volunteers recently said to me: “The Farrell Foundation does it the right way!” I want to share with you an example of what happens at the Farrell Foundation. I don’t know who helped Dan write this card, as it is not in his hand writing and he was perhaps coached a little with some wording, but what a gift! Dan wrote: “My Strengths – A great smile, a kind and gentle spirit, listening to people carefully, persistence, my love for Sue, trying to talk to her more, how much I care about my children and grandchildren, my honesty, and helping others.” This card is so affirming and it just embodies what the Foundation is all about!

News, Events & Programs – For Further Information, Click: Read More

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Such Generosity!

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